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Thursday, October 24, 2019

Update of the case of Jeffrey Younger


DALLAS, Texas, October 24, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – The judge presiding over the case of Jeffrey Younger, the father who is trying to protect his seven-year-old son, James, from chemical castration via a gender “transition,” ruled today that the parents will have joint conservatorship over James, which includes making joint medical decisions for the child.

Mr. Younger and his ex-wife, Dr. Anne Georgulas, were in court last week fighting over custody and decision-making abilities for James and his twin, Jude. Dr. Georgulas wants to continue to “transition” James “into” a girl called “Luna.” Mr. Younger wanted to take a “wait and see” approach rather than start the child on puberty blockers.

Eleven out of 12 jurors decided Monday that Mr. Younger should not be granted Sole Managing Conservatorship over his twin boys. Dr. Georgulas admitted in court she is not actually the twins’ biological mother and used in-vitro fertilization via an egg donor to gestate them. Since kindergarten, Dr. Georgulas has enrolled James in school as a girl under the name “Luna.”

She began telling him he’s a girl when he was just three, and testified in court that she began to believe that when he liked a McDonald’s toy meant for girls. James’ pediatrician records also indicate Dr. Georgulas has met with GENECIS, a medical “transition” clinic in Dallas and is considering “hormone suppression” when James is closer to eight or nine years old.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019



It seem that we no longer have parental rights over our young children and the government and the courts are making dangerous determinations over our children, our spiritual lives and beliefs and we have become a totalitarian country. A father lost the battle to save his own 7-year old son from the brink of no return. His child needed counsel, love and guidance. That is our role as parents. When we have lost that role then who are we? Can it be dangerous now to have children? What do you think about this and when are we going to stop the insanity in our country?

A Texas court has ruled that a father must allow the chemical castration of his seven-year-old son. Jeffrey Younger has been embroiled in a legal battle to stop ex-wife Dr. Anne Georgulas from helping their son, James, undergo a gender transition....As part of a previous ruling, Jeffrey has been prohibited from trying to “convince his son he’s a boy.” Now, he will be powerless to stop his son from undergoing risky and life-altering treatment...A mother decided that her 7-year-old boy is really a girl because he liked the movie Frozen. The husband insisted that he's a boy. Courts got involved. Jury just ruled that, yes, the boy is a girl and he will now be "transitioned" into one.”

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Hi! I just signed a petition to the U.S. Naval Academy asking them to stand strong against the attempts to allow Satanic services on their premises, and I invite you to sign, too. Satanism represents selfishness and rebellion while the Navy is called to reflect integrity and “service true.” To access the petition, CLICK HERE. Thank you.

Friday, October 18, 2019


HALLOWEEN - Samhain (Sow-in)

This holiday began in Europe specifically in Ireland and Northern France. This was a Celtic custom, a pagan holiday basd on false beliefs about the dead, demons and spirits that walked among the living. During this time the Celtic people wore custumes with animal heads, skins and told each other fortunes.

They commemorated the holiday by building sacred bonfire, animal sacrifices offered up to idols (dieties). The Roman Empire conquered the Celtic territory and they combined two of their festivals with samhain: Feralia-the passing of the dead and Pomona- the Roman goddess of fruit trees (apples) hence the practice of bobbing for apples today.

Later it made it way to America shores by colonial New England settlers.  "Anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer 11 or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead, 12 for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord. And because of these abominations the Lord your God is driving them out before you. (Deut.18:10-12).

TRICK-OR-TREAT- (Pre-Christian roots).The early settlers that came to America celebrated by dressing up in ghoulish costumes and went from house-to-house to trick-or-treat. They believed the masks frightened off the demons who brought with them misfortunes. One reason for the costumes is that wandering spirits would mistake them for one of their own and leave them alone. Sweet were offered to appease the spirits.

In medieval times the Roman Catholic clergy embraced this pagan custom and their adherents  requesting small gifts. 1000 AD the church designated November 2 as All Soul's Day, a time for honoring the dead. As time went on all the gory stuff was removed and eventually lost most of its superstitious and religious influences.

As Christians we have to separate ourselves from these unclean things. According to 1 Corinthians 10:20-21, it is stated "I do not want you to be participants with demons. 21 You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. You cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons."


Lady Liberty

The sculptor of the Statue of Liberty was Auguste Bertholdi, a mason belonging to the great Masonic Lodge in Paris. Before beginning the statue of liberty project, Bertholdi was seeking a commission to construct a giant statue of the goddess Ishtar.The Romans also adopted this fertility goddess but they changed the name to Libertas in Latin, (Liberty, in English). Libertas is the mythological equivalent of Ishtar.

Therefore, the Statue of Liberty is, in fact, a Statue of Ishtar the Babylonian the goddess of fertility, love and… sex. According to the ancient Babylonian rituals, one could only be purified of sin after intercourse with a temple priest or priestess of Ishtar. In return for this salvation a “gift offering” was needed. Ishtar was the “patron-mother” of the temple priestesses and priests… She was the “mother” of what we would call today prostitution…

This is why Ishtar was seen by early Christian as the "Whore of Babylon"… and that is why the Statue of Liberty, the symbol of America is called by the prophets as the Whore of Babylon. Do you think it is just a coincidence that the US, the home of the greatest and most famous statue of Ishtar, provides 65% of pornographic movies and adult entrainment to the world? Is it just another coincidence that this is the country where sexually liberation originated and spread to the rest of the world?

(By True Conservative Hub)

Sunday, October 13, 2019



Where did the idea of separation of church and state come from? Do you know that no where in the Constitution is this clause written? This idea came from Thomas Jefferson, one of the founding fathers, and from a letter he had written to the Danbury Baptist Association in 1802. He was assuring them that no action by the government now or never should infringe on their right to believe.

He stated further that because that clause in the Constitution provided a wall separating chuch (religion) from state; not the state from the church. The state was the power that threatened the church not the church, as was so often interpreted in cases today.

This stresses that the "constitutional separation was between ecclesiastical institutions and the civil state." "Daniel Dreisbach, author of Thomas Jefferson and the Wall of Separation Between Church and State, contends that Jefferson’s metaphor, as interpreted by the courts, has been improperly “used to inhibit religion’s ability to inform the public ethic,” to thwart citizens from participating in politics guided by their faith, and to prevent religious communities and institutions from speaking prophetically in the public arena." (Faith & Freedom)

Friday, October 11, 2019


On going violence of Christians globally- 

Satan would like the world to renounce Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and has been on this demonic quest ever since he was thrown out of heaven by God. The Boko Haram fighters attack villages as part of their campaign to establish an Islamic government across Northern Africa. They have continued to attack political targets and Christians.

 They have warned Christians of southern Nigeria to leave the north. Boko Haram routinely and constantly destroy the homes, schools, places of worship because of their conversion to Christianity. These brave women, men and children refuse to allow unforgiveness or negative emotions to subvert their faith in God. They acknowledge that God has a plan for their lives even in the midst of persecution, pressure, and violence. They understand this is a spiritual attack of major proportion by the enemy.

Ava experienced multiple attacks of violence and destruction from Muslim estremists and she lives always in a crisis mode. Her husband was murdered, shot in his own bedroom and one of the attackers was a neighbor whose voice they recognized despite his disguise. She and her five children now have to flee for their lives. She refuses to harbor hate in her heart.


Persecution of Christians are pandemic-

Fulani, the predominantly Muslim nomadic tribe spread across West Africa have terrorized Christians and those who convert from Islam. This fanatical militant group teaches children that Christians are infidels and Christians are their enemies because they do not worship Allah.

Islam do not teach salvation but rather they believe their entrance to paradise is based on good works or deeds. Every Christian knows that good works or deeds will never get you into heaven. The only way to heaven as the Scripture profess is through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

The opponents of Christianity believe their works will get them there. This is a lie from hell that have been perpetrated by the ungodly, and unbelievers or radicals and extremist groups. These radical groups believe Allah has to decide who is worthy to enter paradise. Muslims who convert to Christianity are stoned to death.

 Families relentlessly search for those who have left and gone to other villages for fear of death and retribution. They live in a cloud of uncertainity because of their Christian belief. Let us continue to pray for our brothers and sisters all over the world who are constantly persecuted for their faith.


  1. Persecution of Christians globally-

In America we have the privilege to worship freely without persecution, most times. But in Afghansistan who in the first century were predominantly Christians can no longer do so because of the invasion of extremist groups. Today there is 99.8 percent of these active groups, including the Taliban and ISIS. The government and Islamic groups, radicalism, political ideologies make it very difficult for people who defy or attempt to evangelize their faith.

 Christians are unable to openly worship for fear of retribution and persecution. Evangelism is strictly forbidden. If Christians are caught they are arrested, beaten, tortured, kidnapped and killed routinely,by the government, Islamic radicals and extremist groups. Mission efforts are impeded because jihad is compulsory and according to these extremist groups infidels are murdered.

 Christians converts from Islam are often killed by their own family members.(This information and subsequent information is provided by Voice of Martyrs) Let us pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ in Afghanistan.

Tearing of the Soul of a Rebellious Wo-man/Journal #9

  Journal # 9 For what if some did not believe? Will their unbelief make the faithfulness of God without effect?.. Certainly not! Indeed, le...