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Sunday, December 31, 2017



Definition of Hate:

Hate is a strong dislike for something or someone. It is a very destructive force that aligns itself with pure evil and its counterpart. Hate is like a tsunami, an underwater volcanic eruption. It sometimes usually goes unnoticed until it is too late. Sometimes it can exist for years in the deep recesses of the soul without awareness. It can result in cataclysmic and colossal loss and it takes no casualties. It is an intense hostility and an aversion for its target or object. Hate's counterpart is death and mayhem. It associates with depravity and the depth of everything under the curse. It is seductive and beguiling to those who are susceptible and who delights in its allure. It is, however the end of all that is human and it dehumanizes its host and ultimately causes eternal annihilation.

The Author and Developer of Hate

The author of Hate is The Enemy, Satan, the lord of this world. He has led the world astray since the Garden of Eden when the Tempter lure Eve to disobey God's command. The sin of disobedience was initiated in Heaven when he violated his role and usurp himself as a god. All of his plans in the world are counterfeit to God's plan and a cheap imitation. He is the author of sin- a transgression or violation against righteousness and morality. No! morality is not relative or subjective for any Christian. We adhere to the moral law that God deign for each of us to live our lives. We also know from observation and personal experiences, what the world looks like without a moral code- it is chaotic and tumultuous. It is eternal death.

The Accuser
The Accuser is the constant enemy of truth and righteousness and love. He is equated with destruction and is also known as the" Destroyer", "the angel of the bottomless pit" (Rev. 9:11). He has great powers in the world but he is limited in what he is allowed to do. (Heb. 2:14). He is filled with hate and he delights in seeing all that is good destroyed. He is behind everything that is evil in the world- everything. He uses his demonic forces, the fallen angels, (demons), to create havoc and all wars and all manner of evil. They use human beings as their hosts to do their dirty work. You see, these are spirit beings and they need a body to possess to do their work.

God has gotten the blame for all that the devil and his hosts have been responsible for. He has gotten a bad rap and to be the cause of bad things that happen to good people. Those are just lies perpetrated by the devil. He hates God and he hates Christians or anyone with a sense of morality or practice righteousness. Any Christian who fellowship with God and loves Him knows He is the Author of all that is good and will never allow evil to fall on His children. He always makes a way of escape for them. He protects His own.

Monday, December 25, 2017


Final Part

She knew that her touched had made the Man of God unclean and she trembled upon hearing His voice asking who had touched Him. She did not know what to do but sense she had to say that she did indeed touched Him. She understood the ramifications yet somewhere deep inside her she had thrown caution to the wind- she was healed that is all that mattered right now. She knew God had heard her and answered her prayer of healing that day. And no devil was going to take that away from her. Finally the chains of sickness was broken and she was free, oh, so free! So, despite her fears and trepidation she answered the Man of God.

She gingerly and in a quiet subdued tone of voice she stood and acknowledged that she had touched Him. Instead of being sanctioned or reprimanded JESUS looked upon her with love and compassion. She felt encouraged and gave the narrative of her life before her healing. He knew what she had done took courage and faith. The others in the crowd too listened, some were ambivalent but others cheered her on. They waited with anticipation and attempted to gauge JESUS' intent. JESUS simply and gently stated: "Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace. {When He uttered those words He was declaring harmony, wholeness, completeness, prosperity, welfare, and tranquility upon her. The Greek word for peace is "Shalom"}. JESUS was not defiled neither anyone who was with Him that day. (Paraphrase Luke 8:40-48).

We have no record of what happened to her thereafter, except she went home whole, healed, delivered and saved by the Man of God. Giving Him praise and thanks. Her life would never be the same because she had an encounter with the Man of God-JESUS.

Please note this is my dramatization of what may have happened to the woman with the issue of blood- to make it more relevant for today. The outcome is the same as it was then.


Part 3

She exhaustively and laboriously arrived at her destination. She stopped by a wall of the city and placed her hand over heart to steady herself and to calm her nerves. She felt an excitement of anticipation while a tinge of fear clutched her throat. She prayed no one will notice her condition. She knew she was violating the Purity Laws but she had to take the risk. She knew in her heart this was what she should be doing. She looked up and saw how thick the crowd was and wondered how she was going to get in the proximity to the Man of God to heal her. She knew she could not touch others but due to the density of the crowd she had no other options available to her. Out of sheer determination and desperation she hesitatingly moved forward. She pulled her veiled closer to her face and surreptiously crept forward.

She saw JESUS in the crowd surrounded by a host of people. She heard about a little girl age twelve who was also sick and to the point of death. She empathized with the Centurion, the girl's father, who was also seeking JESUS'S attention. Despite the dizzy feelings she kept her focus on Him and everyone else seemed oblivious. She thought ‘if I could touch the Man of God, I know I'll be healed.' The crowd around her made her feel as if she was suffocating and she began to feel faint and was about to pass out. As she drew nigh to Him she dragged herself the rest of the way and reached out to touch the hem of His garment. Immediately she felt the "fountain of blood' stopped and a warmth infused her entire body and mind. She knew a miracle of healing had occurred and she wanted to shout it to the world but did not dare. She silently gave thanks to God in prayer.

JESUS stopped walking and stood still. He knew immediately power had gone out of Him. He said to His disciples who stood close to Him that someone had touched Him. They responded: "Master there are people everywhere and You asked who touched You?" She stood still when she heard the Man of God spoke to His disciples. JESUS asked the question aloud to the crowd, "Who touched Me?" Yet, as the Son of God He already knew who touched Him but said it aloud for her to take a stand of faith.


Part 2

She was now a widow- never having her marriage consummated {In Jewish Law if your fiancé died you were considered a widow.} So after twelve long years, in a state of impurity and uncleanness and no relief in sight she was deteriorating. Her money situation was dire. She was bankrupted financially, emotionally, and physically. She had not been to the Mikveh pool (the ritual bath after her confinement) for twelve years. Her period has been a continuous flow, possibly menorrhagia, (pronounced as men-or-rha-gia -abnormal bleeding). The same searing pain she felt was visceral not only because of her great loss of her fiancé but it left her spiritually, psychologically and emotionally bereft. It seemed as if her life was in an extended period of suspended animation. She felt desperate because she had no support system and felt so alone and lost.

She overheard her neighbors discussing JESUS, a rabbi with a kind heart and healing of many. She did not care how far she had to travel or what she had to do to get to the city where she heard He would be. She was going to see if this JESUS would heal her. And If He was indeed the Healer she knew instinctively she would be healed. A spark of hope rose in her chest and gave her wings.

She awoke next morning very early and performed her ablutions and implore God in prayer to give her the strength to walk the long distance into the city. She prayed that JESUS would heal her despite her impurity. She packed herself a light lunch and water and trudged to the city. She made sure she disguised herself so no one will know it was her walking in public.

We have a great Healer in us- His Name is JESUS.


Part 1:

She faced another day alone, afraid bordering on hopelessness, not knowing how her day would begin or end. She got up ever so slowly to combat the dizzy feelings and weakness in her body. She cleaned up as much as she could and grabbed her Tanakh (Hebrews Bible). She read “Isaiah 53:4-5”, and she felt a kinship with the Man of God Isaiah referred to in verse three. “He was despised, He was rejected by others, a man of suffering and acquainted with infirmity and as one from whom others hide their faces; He was despised and we held Him of no account."(NRSV). She empathized with this Man of God and she too felt sorrow and despised. She felt ostracized from her community and her family. She would have given anything to get her life back before this illness.

“Before this illness, she was young, vibrant full of life and a virtuous Jewish girl until she experienced a tragedy. She was engaged to a nice Jewish man who died from a terrible accident and after the "Sitting Shiva" ritual (week-long mourning period) she became ill. Cataclysmic changes in her life occurred. The stress of her loss and depression took a toll on her health. Her dreams deferred, family and friends abandoned her and her money depleted. She was alone or so she thought.

She was expected to stay home and perform her household duties until she got sick." She had been hemorrhaging for twelve years. Every month trudging to a medical man (naturalist) for the relief of her illness was costing her financially. She had seen so many healing men over the years and no one could help her. She was relieved from fulfilling her household duties. She did not prepare, cook or serve food and she was unable to go to the marketplace. She had to abide by the Purity Laws (according to this law a woman had to be confined until after her menstrual period because she was considered impure or unclean.) Anyone who touched her was also considered unclean. If this law was violated she would be "cut off" from others. (See Leviticus 12: 2 and 15:19-33


Tearing of the Soul of a Rebellious Wo-man/Journal #9

  Journal # 9 For what if some did not believe? Will their unbelief make the faithfulness of God without effect?.. Certainly not! Indeed, le...