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Thursday, August 29, 2019



I heard Keith Moore preached about this and I thought how blessed and privileged I am to be part of the family of God. But Keith was right because bad things do happen to everyone when they stray. The reason is simply-SIN. The curse devoured the earth when Adam and Eve disobeyed God and bowed their knees to the enemy.

As we peruse the panoramic landscape we can see the evidence of the devastation of the curse everywhere. However, we must be very cautious that we never, ever ascribe or attribute the works of the enemy to God. That is blasphemy. Satan or the devil is our enemy and he is the god of this world and the instigator or architect of the curse, sin, and death.

God is a good, good God and there is no evil or wickedness in Him. He created us because He wanted us to be His family and for us to love Him and worship Him. Those who adhere to God's will for themselves will inherit the kingdom of God. Since we live in a fallen world everything is not going to work out for every person except those of us who know God and love Him with all of our hearts. Romans 6:12 (NLT) reminds us we must not let sin control the way we live; do not give in to sinful desires. With God on our side, we have nothing to fear.

We are all susceptible to bad things happening to us while we live on this earth, including babies and animals. The curse is ubiquitous. Sin and death are the evidence of the curse and the enemy is at work in every instance. When God created the earth and mankind and everything in the earth He pronounced it good.

God reminded us 'many are the afflictions of the righteous but He will deliver us from them all.' Problems are a part of life and so is sickness, disease, pain, and poverty. We are all in danger of having bad things happen to us. The question is why was God's protection is off of us? God cannot and will not associate Himself with people who actively participate in a sinful life.

He has specifically told us through His Word we will all perish if we refuse to repent. As Christians, we have the Living Hope dwelling in us and we have the "unparalleled advantage as overcomers" in Christ Jesus. "We are kept," by God. God always protects His own and He has our backs no matter what. Those who don't know God or who refuse to abide by His rules of right living will not be under His protection and will succumb to evil, the curse, and ultimately eternal death. I choose God.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019


Our Public Schools

What is happening to our children attending public schools? Recently I read of something disturbing that I have to bring to the attention of parents, grandparents and those of us who love and care about our children and our future. I read that in a certain state of our Commonwealth of a widespread Islamic propaganda campaign against our public school teachers. These teachers were forced to attend a mandatory two-day training presented by a Muslim consultant. More than 400 teachers were in attendance and not one of them challenged what was force-fed to them.

Some of the propaganda stated that white males are more dangerous than Islamic jihadists and terrorists; Christianity was disparaged and America was denigrated; this Muslim woman who was giving the workshop went on to state the Koran was more superior than the Holy Scriptures of the Bible. She was also capitalizing on the mass shootings by young white males which she believed were more threatening than Muslims extremists.

This is being spread to our country right here on our shores to American colleges, universities and public schools under the guise of "spreading diversity." The author of this piece went on to state this is one of the Leftist agenda to change the landscape of America, and I would add to corrupt our children and question their national heritage as Americans.

The person who gave the workshop is a well-noted speaker on varied topics that pertain to her agenda, under the guise of cultural competency consultant. She usually makes about $1,000 to $2,000 to speak. Her name is Huda Essa, a hijab-clad Arab woman from Dearborn and a Muslim consultant for Culture Links, LLC. Her focus is to get her agenda to the masses starting with the most susceptible, impressionable and innocent audience, our children. The irony is tax-payers have funded this "diversity training" to our school teachers.

The author went on to state, the teachers were being told lies about Islamic terrorism, jihad and Sharia Law. The Thomas Law Center of Ann Arbor, Michigan discovered the widespread Islamic propaganda. By the way, no other religion got this kind of special treatment in any of our schools. Ms. Essa's accounts were deceptive and not truthful regarding Sharia Law and jihad or the Islamic religion.

She gave false narratives about white Christian males as being more aggressive, threatening and dangerous than Muslims. She failed to discuss that there were 452 Islamic terror attacks in 31 countries in 2019 so far. There has been no coverage of this in any of the Leftist news. "This was meant to destroy American traditions and replacing our republican form of government with an enslaving tyranny," quoted the author. We as parents must monitor our children's schools, their curriculum and speak to their teachers of anything that is contrary to our traditional values as parents and Americans. We must hold our school districts accountable and we must rally together to maintain the bedrock of America.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Liberal Agenda and Main Stream News

The Liberal Agenda and Main Stream News

The Liberal's agenda is to subvert, to manipulate and corrupt the truth. They spew lies to deny conservatives and those on the right their fundamental free speech and constitutional rights. People who do not research or ask questions about the content of what they read or hear or their source of information are gullible to their bias agendas and they fall prey to their propaganda.

This ultimately becomes the pervading narrative and people deemed these false narratives as the truth which is dangerous to us as a society. This what we call 'FAKE NEWS'. Some of these left-wing news outlets are: CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, Google News, Buzzfeed, Huffington Post, PBS, Colbert Report, Politico, MSNBC, NBC News, Wall Street Journal, The Economist, BBC, ABC News, NPR, the Village Voice, and this list is quite exhaustive. Other liberals are: ACLU, Planned Parenthood, Drudge Report, New Yorker, and a host of others who plan is to influence the masses with their secular progressive left-wing anti-American ideologies.

Our young people are very susceptible and the left-wing, anti-American, anti-fascist Antifa of the Democratic Party and Hollywood are also champions of the secular-progressive leftist agenda. We who seek truth are the enemy. Those of us who seek the truth and call them out are demonized, and are called racists, bigots and are considered the antagonist.



From the inception of our world, the truth has become cloudy, subjective, objective and relative. Truth has become redefined by cultures of the world, nations, religions, and societies. But real, authentic and absolute truth comes from God alone.

This Truth is unchangeable and established in the foundation of God's Holy Word. The Word is God's will for mankind and it is timeless and transcend mankind's ideologies, philosophies, science, mankind's inductive reasoning, mystical and esoteric teachings, mankind's religions and spiritual practices, pagan traditions, heresies, secret societies, and propaganda.

Most people who do not know the True and Living God will fall prey to the maelstrom of these corrupt oppressive regimes, extremism, ethnic cleansing, unbiblical revenge murders, radicalism, superstitions, totalitarianism and apostasies against God and His people. Jesus stated unequivocally in John 14:6, I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE. No one comes to the FATHER, except through ME.

We ought not to be blinded by the lies of Satan and those he influences and have appointed to deceive us and consequently lose out on our salvation, redemption and eternity with a Loving God who wants the best for each one of us. Hell was not made for mankind but for the devil and those who choose to follow him. Truth =Freedom.


Protection for Children for the New School Year

School has resumed for another year. Today let us focus on our children and grand-children and the year ahead of them. The new students and those returning we would like to extend a prosperous and successful year. We pray for the security and safety for all students. Those who are home-schooled, those who attend private schools and those who attend public schools or online classes. Let us also pray for the parents of these school-age children and for the adults who also attend colleges and universities.

We pray that God's "massive arms are wrapped around you, protecting you. His arms of faithfulness are a shield keeping you from harm." We pray that you "don’t fear a thing!" We pray "demonic danger will not trouble you, nor will the powers of evil launched against you. Even in a time of disaster, with thousands and thousands being killed, you will remain unscathed and unharmed. When we live our lives within the shadow of God Most High, our secret hiding place, we will always be shielded from harm. How then could evil prevail against us or disease infect us? God sends angels with special orders to protect you wherever you go, defending you from all harm. (Ps. 91 TPT)

We pray that our children will go unhindered by any satanic forces of the enemy and depression, anger, suicide ideations, fear, toxic thoughts, unself-disciplined and unsound minds will flee far from them. And the Name of Jesus is above every name. Sickness, disease, and pain will not come near them and they will be blessed exceedingly and abundantly in every area of their lives.

Sunday, August 18, 2019


The Culture of Despair

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. (Prov. 22:6, ESV) We are living in a culture of despair and it is ubiquitous. The past couple of weeks we have seen the results of this by young men who committed heinous crimes. 

Why are our children consumed with hate, bigotry, and violence? And what part have we as adults, parents, teachers, pastors, and counselors have failed our children? What hope do they have if we have stripped them from the Prince of Hope, Love, and Peace? They are filled with despair and hopelessness and the future looks bleak to them. They are unable to differentiate truth from fiction because of conflicting, and false narratives they have learned from childhood to young adults. 

Our schools, the media, and social network have negatively impacted and influenced our children who may not have a strong, positive frame of reference. God has been replaced with propaganda, fanatism, secular humanism, hostility, anti-religionism, consumerism, and denigration of traditional family values. Children must be trained and must know there are rules in life they must follow. Family rules that will inspire them to live a life with integrity. God must be centralized in their lives and they must not feel castigated for doing so. Because God is Hope and Strength.

As adults, we must live our lives with consistent integrity by practicing what we preach to our young people. Our love for them must be sincere and not manipulative. We must pray for our children and for each other. Demonstrate our love for God in front of them and tell them the truth, the truth of God's Word and family's values. We must not fabricate lies to manipulate or mislead them in any way. Children are very intuitive and they will sense your insincerity. We must not be too preachy or religious or self-righteous with them. Let God work through you so His love can flow to them. Teach our children the love of God, pray with them and for them and assure them that they are not alone. God is their continued strength and hope in a culture of despair.

Sunday, August 11, 2019



Love is a healing balm that soothes the soul of mankind and it is in each child of God when it is yielded to; it is the dynamic force that makes us human. God is Love and those who love Him must love others. God hates evil and all it entails and those who practice it is not of God. 1 Corinthians 13 describes love as patient and kind; it is not envious nor boils over with jealousy, it is not boastful and does not brag about one's achievement nor inflate its own importance.

It is simply not conceited (arrogant and prideful); it is not rude or unmannerly or takes offense easily. The love of God that abides in us does not insist on its own rights or its own way, for it is not self-seeking or selfish, but put others before themselves; this love is not touchy or fretful or resentful and it takes no account of a suffered wrong.

It does not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness but rejoices when right and truth prevail. It bears up under anything and everything that comes and it believes the best of everyone. It inspires hope that never fades, no matter the circumstance and it endures everything without weakening. Love is a safe place of shelter and it never fails. We choose to love others because God chose to love us. Love is reciprocal so please pass the love on.

Tearing of the Soul of a Rebellious Wo-man/Journal #9

  Journal # 9 For what if some did not believe? Will their unbelief make the faithfulness of God without effect?.. Certainly not! Indeed, le...