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Friday, June 21, 2019



When God created His family He created one man and one woman to unite with each other and to procreate the human species. After His work on creation was completed He said, it was good. It was finished. When sin slinked its way into the family it became distorted.

The perfect family was starkly juxtaposed with an imperfect construct of the family. The Enemy did everything in his power to annihilate the first family and has been targeting families all over the world ever since. The Word of God is not ambiguous about the family construct, on the contrary God was very specific in how He wanted His family to be- a reflection of His family.

Today, we seemed to have lost sight of God's plan for the family. God made man to be the head of the household and woman to be his covenant partner both honoring, respecting and serving each other. They both will bring up their children in fear and admonition of the Lord.

The feminist movement and secular-progressives have dismantled the family God designed and how He wanted it to be governed. Their quest is to feminize the man and defeminize the woman ultimately causing a seismic shift of God's plan for His family. The only way to save our families is to pray constantly and diligently for our families and let God assume control.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019



As far as I can recall I felt the throes of rejection, abandonment anxiety and loneliness. I didn't believe I was worthy of love and affection and felt devalued by my loved ones. I grew up broken and because I had these toxic emotions roiling in my soul, I rebelled against them. In retrospect, it had nothing to do with them, this was the design of the Enemy.

They were just instruments of delivery to distract me from whom God created me to be, my best self. God taught me as I grew and matured that He was sufficient for me; more than enough. He told me I was the apple of His eye. And in Him I am complete, nothing missing or broken. He loved me with an everlasting love and His plans are to prosper me and to give me a bright future.

It took many years to break those old strongholds from my soul and allow Him to rebuild and restore me to His original plan. I am today loved and all is well with my soul. God stated in His Word:" be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord, your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.”

He will never leave us or forsake us, and that is a promise. Remember, we too have a part to play in this wonderful symbiotic relationship. Honor God and He will bless you.



We all want to escape at times from the harsh realities of life but this is another form of distraction that moves us away from our Life Source-Jesus. Escapism conjures up the idea of some form of disengagement or subterfuge; to escape something unpleasant. We find different ways to deflect whatever conflict we are experiencing through entertainment or some activity.

A certain evangelist called it "SCUD missiles-Satan Constantly Uses Distractions." The Enemy steals from us and we allow him the privilege. However, when escapism becomes predatory that form of entertainment or activity becomes self-destructive. Some drown themselves in dangerous pursuits. Our primal instinct is to hear the warning bells that we are treading dangerously near the brink of destruction and that we need a life line-a Savior.

Unaware to us, we are in real danger of losing all that we once held precious. We are like the walking dead, not seeing the gargantuan preponderance effects of the secular-progressive cultural changes that are strategically eroding away at the core of who we are as a people. Jesus is the One we need to depend on for strength, peace, and tranquility. He offers us free access to Him when we sit still and contemplate His greatness and His love for us. He is our Hope.



Anger has many faces and they appear as strife, injustice, hate, pain, vindictiveness, and unforgiveness. The world around us seemed to be consumed virulently with anger-a very destructive spiritual force. It is parasitic in nature and it has total control over its host. It is a predator eating away at the soul of mankind. We are most times unaware of its intent. It distracts us from the goodness of God and the sweet aroma of Christ in us-our only hope.

It robs us of our peace, security, and goodwill toward God and others. The spiritual force behind anger is our Enemy who comes to steal, kill and destroy. Everywhere we look there is evidence of his footprints and unknowing to us he is devouring our humanity and we are becoming inhuman- brutal, callous, sadistic and cruel to our brothers and sisters of this world.

He is essentially fulfilling his plan. God wants us to be free from this destructive force called anger and the only way is through His Son Jesus. He promises to give us the courage to confront this profoundly evil force. If we "take hold of His words with all of our hearts and keep His commands" we will live life more abundantly. I can testify to that because I have been set free.

Sunday, June 16, 2019


DISTRACTIONS-Lack of Concentration

As a child, I did very poorly at school because I was unable to concentrate and focus on any tasks set by my teachers. I was distracted because of my family dynamics of disharmony at home and I felt a displaced emotion of insecurity. In retrospect, clearly, this was a ploy of the Enemy. His plan was to sabotage my happiness and create confusion, shame, and failure.

Eventually, I grew up believing I was a failure because that was the Enemy's plan all along. But, as I journeyed through life and found out who I was in Christ I excelled at school. I took my eyes off of the Enemy's distractions and placed it on God and gave Him the glory. The Enemy's modus operandi is to distract us with insecurities, failures, worry, etc but God's way is excellence. He wants us to excel, to be successful in every area of our lives.

There is one caveat. When we honor God, He would honor us and when we trust God, He would bless us. God arms are always outstretched and reaching toward us if we are willing to run into the safety and refuge of His mighty arms of love. He would never disappoint us if we truly believe in Him and His word in Christ Jesus. No more distractions, or lack of concentration instead we will give our attention to God.

Friday, June 7, 2019



Feelings mean "a faculty or power of perception; sensibility, excitement, emotion, sense of touch and it is by feeling we know that our bodies are hard or soft, hot or cold, wet or dry, rough or smooth. SENSE is a branch of perception. The five senses of humans and animals are sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. Our feelings are dichotomous in nature: good versus evil. Our feelings ought not to dictate our lives.

God gave us these feelings but for His purpose. Joy, peace, love, goodness, kindness, patience, self-control, faithfulness and gentleness these are God's purpose for us. Today, we live in an "if it feels good do it, syndromic" world, thus making our world abnormal in configuration. We have to take supreme control of aberrant or dysplastic feelings and we ought not to allow them to assume control over us.

 Rogue feelings have started wars, mutinies, forced tyrannies; have caused miseries, savageries and many sinister and political repression over our world's history by many faces of evil. Suicide, infanticide, murder, and the list goes on. Jesus said He will keep us in perfect peace as we keep our minds on Him. This is our safe harbor even from our own rogue feelings. Yield to good feelings.

Tearing of the Soul of a Rebellious Wo-man/Journal #9

  Journal # 9 For what if some did not believe? Will their unbelief make the faithfulness of God without effect?.. Certainly not! Indeed, le...