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Monday, January 29, 2018


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Man is a triune being a reflection of the Trinity. Man is a spirit. The spirit of man was given to us by God when he was created in the Garden of Eden. When we die that spirit returns to God. Of course that depends which God you serve. Is it our Creator of the Universe or the god of this world, the Adversary? We have a soul that is unique and tailored for the individual. The soul is made up of our minds, will and emotions. Lastly we have an earth-suit called our bodies that house our spirit and soul. When the body decays, our earth-suit disintegrates, our soul and spirit returns to God.

 However, a lot of people live their lives as if they are one dimensional rather than three dimensional and they not just a body walking around on the earth. It is as if you are in a house with three rooms and you attend to only one room or two rooms and neglect the other. Hence the reason there are so many messed up people walking around creating havoc on others and even themselves. Some even believe this world is their final resting place and there is no God, no judgment and no life eternal.

Well, I am here to let you know if you are that person that is a big fat lie, perpetrated by the devil, our Adversary. You have been hoodwinked and blinded and deaf. That was his plan all along to keep you duped and lull in a state of spiritual coma. The devil came to steal, kill and destroy and he roams this world and creates chaos.
He hides behind people who he has snared to do his devious work-whatever that is. Yes, he kills babies, he possesses our young people, he creates wars and the rumors of wars, he causes diseases, pain and sicknesses and he causes blindness physical and spiritual, he makes you afraid because he is the author of fear. He makes you worry about everything and anything. You get the picture? He is the one who causes evil and bad things to happen in our world. Why? Well you have Adam, in the Garden of Eden to thank for that.

When Eve was deceived by the serpent, which we now know, was the devil, Adam knew his responsibility and the rules because God instructed him, so Adam was not deceived but for some unknown reason he went along with Eve and ate of the fruit of the tree of good and evil- a major transgression of blatant disobedience. He relinquished ownership to the devil and the devil was now the new owner of Earth. Yes folks, the devil has a right to be here because Adam sold out his inheritance to the devil. Now we have this awful creature roaming to and fro upon the earth creating every depravity and debauchery you can imagine. Guess who gets the blame? God, my Loving Father. And I have had enough of it. That is why I write these blog posts to shine the light on God and to reveal the enemy for who he really is.

God made mankind (women and men)for one purpose to glorify and worship Him. We were made in His image- both male and female. We are here to be a light to the world and to each other. When Jesus gave His precious life to save mankind from destruction (see the story of Noah)we became His. He died for everyone not just special people, like the Israelites. He died to save humanity from eternal death. Do you know what that means? It simply means anyone who align themselves with evil and anything evil aligns themselves with God's enemy, the devil, the god of this world. You are in darkness and the enemy has blinded your eyes. Spiritual things of God to you are foolishness and you laugh at the things of God because that is the enemy's plan. "The bloodthirsty hates the blameless." When the wicked are multiplied upon the earth, transgression increases.

Just look at the chaos, and mayhem around you, everywhere you go there is trouble on every side. The only place you can feel safe and secured and greatly loved is sitting at the feet of Jesus. Jesus is the only answer for our world, for our peace, for our sanity. Jesus, last words He uttered while alive on this earth, before He was crucified were:" I AM with you always, even to the end of this age." (Matthew 28:20). He is always with those who believe He is and will always be with those who walk in the light, because He is the Light. Walk with Him and you will live eternally with Him.

Friday, January 26, 2018


Image result for a free image of the good shepherd


Day 26 of my Journey through the month of January. Friday.

Today, lying on my bed this morning I was having a heart to heart conversation with God. I was just thanking Him for all He has done for me.

My first appreciation to Him was acknowledging Him.  I thought many years ago after leaving my husband and ending up in a transition center for women of domestic violence,  with my two children, I was homeless. I was reminded about how much God took care of me. For years I also thought that I was homeless and my greatest fear was homelessness. But God, my Amazing and Awesome God showed me that I was never once homeless. He always provided a place for me. Philippians 4:19 says, "My God supplies all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus." He so lovingly kept my children and I safe. Sure we had some challenges along the way but those challenges were only meant to make us stronger. When you are on God's side nothing He does is to harm you. Actually, it is the reverse, it is only for drawing you closer to Him and depending on Him only. He was indeed my only source those many years ago and I have become more dependent on Him today. You know something I won't change any of it because of where I am today in my walk with Him.

So today I celebrate my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and all the amazing lessons, gifts and serendipities I have received in my walk with Him. Thank You Lord.

I was also reminded I was never in lack or want for anything at all. He gave me shelter, clothing, food and money in various forms. It is astounding the depth of God's love for me it just makes me feel so warm and fuzzy inside. I never felt loved until I met the Man Jesus. As a child I didn't have the love and the demonstration of love in my life. Sure my parents did their part the best that they knew how to but it was just the material needs that were met. I was safe and I was provided for but something was always missing. As I grew up I began to look for love in all the wrong places and I know some of you can relate. That is not a good thing to do. I realized as I matured and as a child of the King, in retrospect I was looking for comfort outside of myself rather inside myself. Everything I need does not come from without but from within. Everything I would ever need come from above. Frist John 4:4 assures me, "Greater is He (Jesus) who is in me than he (the adversary) that is in the world."

Again, I give my God and my Savior all the praise and all the glory because they are truly the real deal.

Finally, I just want to proclaim and acknowledge the LOVE that JESUS has for me. He gave His life for me that I might live and live life more abundantly. He loves me with an unfailing love, it is a love that transcends time and space a love that is eternal. It is unconditional and I have not done anything to earn it. I gave my life to Him because when I was at my worst He saw me on the "ash heap" struggling and trying fruitlessly to make things happen on my own, failing miserably each time and never once rejected me. When I felt alone, scared and unsure of life and in the messes I created on my own or others created for me and had no where to turn, He lovingly called my name, so softly, gently, He reached down took my hand, held my up, dusted my off, washed me and put on the best robe of righteousness on me. The more time I spend with Him the more I grow to love Him and it is easier to love others.

I hope someone out there in cyberspace will be helped with this and turn their lives over to JESUS. I can testify and assure you will never be the same. I am not that same girl. I am the daughter of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Image result for a free image of the good shepherd

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Image result for free image of people behavior before the Noah flood


Noah was an unassuming man and ordinary man just like you and me. Nothing special about him was evident but one thing though he loved the Lord with all his heart and soul. No, he was definitely not perfect, no human being is and neither was he. You see, we are all born in sin and shaped iniquity. We all live in a fallen world.

 Noah knew God by spending time with Him. Thus building a rapport, a relationship with him. Noah knew what it meant to have fellowship with his best Friend-Adonai (God).

You may wonder or conjecture about Noah and his life and why God chose him to purge the world of evil at that time in earth's history. What was life back then to cause God to regret His Creation? What made God so angry and so saddened at the same time feeling disappointment of man's fall from grace?

These questions have been asked numerous times throughout earth's history and for you to understand life then we will have to take a trip to the past and may have also to adlib what we can't conjecture.

 History always repeats itself and if you live in our world today you can make a logical or causal connection to what may have happened or occurred back in Noah's time. So for me to unravel this mystery I will use what is happening in our world today which will give me a pretty good idea of what happened back then.

Noah lived in a world where everything was chaotic and idolatrous. People lived their lives without any purpose or any thought of their eternal home. Noah and his wife and three sons basically kept to themselves. Noah kept a sharp watch over his family. Noah dedicated his live along with his family to serving and loving the Lord. Noah lived under God's protection and God provided for him.

When Noah went out to preach to his neighbors or to anyone who would listen he witnessed first hand the proliferation of wickedness that had invaded the town where he lived. As years advanced so did wickedness, depravity and mayhem in every area of life. It is as if darkness was just looming over the whole land and the light was growing dimmer and dimmer as people ceased to be people and more barbaric, inhuman and uncivilized. They behaved as feral dogs.

Noah realized what was happening and he knew from fellowshipping with God that God was angry at the debauchery of the human race, people He had created. Noah also understood it was demonic possession of the people, the wiles of the devil and spiritual hosts of wickedness. He would come home after preaching in the town and getting no where because evil had taken control over God's Creation. The people thought nothing of it at all. When Noah warned them and advised them to repent and turn from their corrupt ways they turned away from him. They were just living life as if there would be no end, one big party.

Noah would go into town after working the land. He was tired at times but he knew he had to try and reach the people. When he stood up to speak to them they laughed and jested and called him derogatory names. He would  shout above the clamor and the cacophony but that only incited them. Noah would return home grieved in his spirit and would talk to God about it and console and encouraged himself to give the people another attempt tomorrow. He really thought that they would listen to him. But deep down inside he knew they had turned their backs against God and all righteousness.

Looking at Noah's life is like looking through a looking glass to our world today. Our world has become so depraved and evil. What is good is called evil by people who want to justify their degenerated behavior. They have made so many demands to be heard and so many demands that their life is the norm and deep down inside we all know it is immoral and perverted.

If Noah was alive today he would weep at the moral decay of our world and he would wonder why God's mercy has extended to this world and not his. Noah did not know about Jesus Christ. It is because of Jesus our world still stands. Despite the profligacy of evil in our world Jesus knows He has many children in our world who love Him and has surrendered their lives to Him. But He has also warned us He would be coming soon.

Stay Tuned

Saturday, January 20, 2018

The Great Deceiver

He slithered through our world with his forked tongue

weaving himself on the primal dirt of the ground,

stirring up trouble and mayhem as he went.

With the speed of a black mamba

no one noticed him because he camouflaged himself.


He got into every dark crevice, hole and pit

He could find to do his diabolical work.

He tempted, he tortured and he created havoc.

He laughed at your pain and turn the proverbial knife

in the wound, because you were now his own.


He used seemingly ordinary people to possess

and to do his bidding, of every depraved act.

Demons occupied the person to

perform evil work of destruction to it hosts,

inhabiting them with perversion, lies and fear.


You didn't know fear, drew him to you,

You didn't know your pain was his ecstasy,

You didn't know hate was his motive,

Yet you went along with him as you lived in fear.

The Great Deceiver takes no prisoners.

So be vigilant because he might just devour you.

By Ingrid Arthur

Monday, January 15, 2018

God Cares for Us All

A New Thing

Those are comforting words, words that quench a thirsty soul, words that inspire you to do the impossible with God's help. After all, nothing is impossible with God even when things look desperate, bleak and hopeless. "Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I, Adonai, Your God, will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert."..I AM God and there is none like ME...indeed I have spoken it; and I will also bring it to pass, I have purposed it; I will also do it. (Is. 43,48), says the Lord.

Wings to Fly

Hope gives the soul wings to fly like an eagle soaring high above the clouds in the sky. Soaring above the problems, circumstances and situations you rather not face yet with wisdom to recognize this will only make you stronger, knowing this is God's divine will for you. Your faith also has grown knowing how much Your Abba loves and cares for you as His child. He said: "I will never leave you nor forsake you, you are mines and my compassion for you will never fail." So with a new spring to her steps, the widow did as the Man of God requested and she received her miracle of provision from a 'Too Much God'. She had more than enough to last for almost two years, enough to feed her whole household. The flour and oil was never used up and it kept replenishing, just as the Man of God had said. God did as He purposed. His word did not return to Him void and it accomplished what gave Him pleasure and ultimately, she prospered.

Valley of Tears

Some times God allows us to go through the Valley of Baca, the valley of tears. He is molding us and making us into the person He ordained us to be so we can be used for His kingdom. We are not to discount or dismiss our light affliction which is but for a moment because ...'these troubles are helping us gain an eternal glory and that eternal glory is much greater than our troubles...which seems like nothing in retrospect.

                         Final Thoughts

Rejoice Always in the Good Times and the Bad Times
Paul advises us to "rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit of God. Do not despise prophecies; test all things; hold fast what is good, and abstain from every form of evil. ...May the God of Peace sanctify you completely and the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always". (1 Thessalonians 5).

The End.



Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Have You Mapped Out Your Course for a Successful Journey Ahead in 2018?

Beware: Death and Life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof Proverbs 18:21 (KJV)

5     You may have heard words can either make you or break you and this is true. I can testify to that credo in my own personal life. I have lived most of my adult life in fear and worry until I became to know Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. I lived from crisis to crisis and allowing the Adversary to just whack me over the head repeatedly until I understood, who I was in Christ Jesus and whose I am. Let your words be a testimony of success on your behalf not destruction. Meditate on these Scriptures:

Proverbs 4:24

We are instructed to' put away from us crooked speech, and put devious talk far from ourselves..'.(ESV).

We are to watch our words because ' out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks'.

Luke 6:45

The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.

James 3:6

And the tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness. The tongue is set among our members, staining the whole body, setting on fire the entire course of life,[a] and set on fire by hell. (ESV)

Philippians 2:14

Finally: Do all things without grumbling or disputing, (ESV).

Renew the Mind

6      Renewing the mind is not an easy task. It is a daily conscious act of keeping your mind on the Presence of God, relying on His help and His grace to see you through the challenges you face daily. Even though I was doing everything I knew to do I was still faced with challenges, doubts, and fears.

 However, I never thought to quit or to give up and by the mercy and the grace of God I was able to come through safely to the other side. I would not have been able to do so without the love of Jesus Christ, my constant Companion and Friend.

We are to get rid of the garbage we toted along during 2017: envy, fear, doubts, unforgiveness, anger, worry, bitterness, corrupt thoughts, self-defeating thoughts, overindulgence in every area of our lives and every negative thought that the devil placed into our minds.

Instead choose to think good thoughts: true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent or praiseworthy thoughts that draw us closer to His Presence.

Follow God's master plan and His Master Planner-The Holy Spirit, our Guide. Meditate on these Scriptures as you forge ahead.

Hebrews 12:2

'We must let go of every wound that has pierced us[b] and the sin we so easily fall into.[c] Then we will be able to run life’s marathon race[d] with passion and determination, for the path has been already marked out before us.[e]' (TPT)
Romans 12:2

'Do not be conformed to this world,[c] but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.[d]' (ESV)

2 Corinthians 10:5

'We can demolish every deceptive fantasy[e] that opposes God and break through every arrogant attitude that is raised up in defiance of the true knowledge of God. We capture, like prisoners of war, every thought[f] and insist that it bow in obedience to the Anointed One.'(TPT)

7     After taking inventory of the year 2017 and we have acknowledged areas of weakness and failure, we are to move on. This is not a time for us to dwell on the past. 2017 is gone never to return and 2018 is here.

We are to focus on the present and the here and now taking incremental steps to reach our goals and to chart our course to get to those lovely visions we have for ourselves. The next step:Take action, (according to Pastor Dave, of Faith Life Family Church-Warner Robins, GA.)

 That is exactly what I plan to do. Even though I went through many attacks of the devil and setbacks I never once thought of quitting because I know this is what the devil does. He is doing what he does best tormenting people, particularly God's people.

 I had to maintain a close relationship with God and intensify my prayer time and my declarations. I also depended on Jesus' faith because mines were withering from the pressure.

 Jesus assured me that he was preparing a place for me and you know, He did just as He said He would. He took me safely to the other side. Even with my faltering faith.

He took the disciples safely to the other side also many, many years ago even when their faith was faltering under pressure:

 Remember, (Luke 8:22-25) English Standard Version (ESV)

Jesus Calms a Storm

22 One day He got into a boat with His disciples, and He said to them, "Let us go across to the other side of the lake." So they set out,

23 and as they sailed He fell asleep. And a windstorm came down on the lake, and they were filling with water and were in danger.

24 And they went and woke Him, saying, "Master, Master, we are perishing!" And He awoke and rebuked the wind and the raging waves, and they ceased, and there was a calm.

 25 He said to them, "Where is your faith?" And they were afraid, and they marveled, saying to one another, "Who then is this, that He commands even winds and water, and they obey Him?"

No matter how challenging our struggles here on planet Earth, remember we are never alone in our battles. God said, to maintain our stance and He has assured us the battle is not ours but His.

He will fight our battles for us as long as we keep a stance of Faith in Him. Have Faith, my friends and navigate through the Word of God and chart a good course. Safe journey ahead.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018



Part 3


3      We have to keep ourselves from  contaminants after we have cleansed ourselves. The only way to remain in a state of holiness is to draw near to God and He, in turn, will draw near to us. We are to ask Him for His strength and His power to sustain us for the journey ahead.' The Joy of the Lord is our strength,' according to Nehemiah 8:10. All we need to do is to ask and we will receive.

Meditate on these Scriptures as you make preparations for your journey.
2. Corinthians 7:1

'We must remove everything from our lives[a] that contaminates body and spirit, and continue to complete the development of holiness within us' (TPT).

Ps. 51:2, 10

Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin...(v.10) create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

1 Corinthians 7:1

Let me cleanse myself from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. (Thank You, Father, for Your mercies and grace).

Words are very powerful and we have to monitor and keep track of our thoughts. Even if you slip up and have a negative thought I admonish you not to verbalize it aloud. This is very important to your success.

Ephesians 4:29

'Don’t let any foul words come out of your mouth. Only say what is helpful when it is needed for building up the community so that it benefits those who hear what you say.'(CEB).

4      You may have heard that the 'battle is in the mind'; that's true because everything happens in our minds. When you look around in our world today at the pandemic of evil you are witnessing the thoughts of evil perpetrated by the Adversary and acted upon . Even children are affected. Hence, the influx of bullying on the playground and in our schools. Crimes acted out by children who would grow up to be adults and the cycle of evil will continue unless we guard our thoughts and our minds. We need to let our children know who they belong to and be vigilant in prayer, seeking God for our children's protection from the Evil one. We must guard our minds with the help of Our Divine Protector, Jesus Christ.

God Speed, safe navigating!

Monday, January 8, 2018


Part 2


1      Nutritional Cleansing plays an integral part of my spirit, soul, and body; flushing out and expelling all the toxicity of 2017 with the Word of God. I have to clean myself by bathing on the Word of God and washing on His promises. In preparation for my new journey of 2018 I have strategically packed for January and I have placed in my luggage all the necessary items I will need to make a smooth and safe journey.


God cleanses us from all the pollutants we have carried with us through out 2017 and we certainly do not want to tarnish this brand new year with all that waste. We want to start off on a positive note and get rid of the all the old junk.

Psalm 19:12

I ask God to cleanse me from my secret faults..

Meditate on these Scriptures and take a personal inventory of your secret faults; ask the Holy Spirit to assist you in this endeavor. Here are some ideas to assist you also:

Repent Hidden Sins

2     Before we can forge ahead we have to take the time to pause and reflect on all our hidden sins, those we are aware of and those we are unaware of but the Holy Spirit knows and He will help us to identify those sins.

Then we are to go to God and repent of those sins.

1 John 1:9 reminds us 'if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from everything we’ve done wrong.'(CEB)

God is such an Awesome God and He loves so dearly and He is so patient and such an Amazing Father. He wants us to go to Him not timidly, but boldly to the throne of grace. When we sin we are not to run away like Adam and Eve did in the Garden of Eden, but run to Him and ask Him for forgiveness with a contrite spirit and you will be amazed how He would embrace you in His loving arms. This requires a sincere and open heart. Be still in His Presence and listen for His instructions and be quick to obey.

Confession and Repentant is very important to embarking on your journey. If you do, this could possibly happen to you:

Psalm 32:3-5

Before I confessed my sins, I kept it all inside; my dishonesty devastated my inner life, causing my life to be filled with frustration, irrepressible anguish, and misery.

4 The pain never let up, for your hand of conviction was heavy on my heart. My strength was sapped, my inner life dried up like a spiritual drought within my soul. Pause in His presence.

 5 Then I finally admitted to you all my sins, refusing to hide them any longer. I said, "My life-giving God, I will openly acknowledge my evil actions." And you forgave me! All at once the guilt of my sin washed away and all my pain disappeared! Pause in his presence....(TPT)

Sunday, January 7, 2018


 Month 1- JANUARY


How do I cleanse myself from all the toxicity of 2017 and to prepare for 2018 that will sustain me through the year- month to month?

How to chart my course for January 2018 that will lead me safely through the year 2018?

What do I need to pack for this first leg of my journey through this month to get safely to Month 2- February?

What type of luggage would I need? Would it be a knapsack or a large wheeled-luggage for heavier packing, or a smaller pull along?

What type of weapons would I need to arm myself with from the Adversary?

What would I need in the face of the pressure, attacks, and self-sabotage?

What strategies are needed to move from the unknown to the known that is already set in place for me?

How would I recognize what is true and what is false or fake or deceptive?

Who should I ask for assistance in this journey that is of the same mind as I am? Remember, Jesus is our Constant Companion, we are never, ever alone.

How do I handle the pet peeves and annoyances like distractions, complacency, fear, doubts, tears, and all the other negative stuff the Enemy might or most certainly use to get me off course?

How should I maintain my strength and not pack too heavy? (Give your burdens to the Lord and He will take care of you- Ps. 55:22)

Possible Solutions

Note: Everyone's journey will be different depending on your individual goals and objectives, visions and action plans. So use the appropriate luggage and weapons.

see part 2

Thursday, January 4, 2018



In the Valley

We all have to go through the valley at times and we all have mountains so steep that seem impossible to climb. Things may look so dark and the light seems to be diffused. We know spiritually what we have to do and yet we feel so paralyzed it is impossible to take one step further. We send desperate prayers up on a wing but it doesn't seem to go all the way up and it falls right back in our faces, or so it seems. Then plagued with questions: what am I doing wrong that I can't seem to move beyond this point of anguish, shame, and desperation? Where did I go wrong and why am I going through this hell when I do love the Lord. Then I hear a soft, still, voice saying to me, many are the afflictions of the righteous but God delivers us from them all (Ps. 34:19). Even bad things happens to good people but we have God's assurance He will deliver us from each and every trouble we face- but it is contingent on trust in Him.

Man of God

The widow trudged back up to her home with a few sticks at a time and the last time she went by the edge of her home she met what looked like to her possibly a man of God- he had that special air about him. He looked directly into her eyes and he could sum up what was going on with her. She had a look of desperation in her eyes and despair. He looked directly at her and said in a firm voice, "Please give me a drink of water. I have come a long way and I am thirsty." She put down the sticks she had in her hand and went to fetch him some water. As she made her way to get him the water he added, "and please bring me something to eat, I am so hungry." She turned to look at him with shame on her face and timidly stated, "Sir, as God as my witness, I barely have enough to make a small cake for my son and I. You see I am gathering these few sticks to make a fire, to make a small cake of what flour and oil I have left. I don't know what will happen to my son and I but I am pretty much sure we will die from starvation."

A Place Called Redemption

Have you ever been to a place where you thought in your wildest dreams would never happen to you? You did everything in your power to get a good education so you would not have to scrounge and end up like your parents or your neighbor or some destitute person. Sometimes God allows us to go through some difficult and challenging circumstances, trials or afflictions to bring us to a place called 'redemption.' We get so caught up in ourselves, our lives, our things, our dreams, or hurts and pain and the list goes on. We unknowingly become slaves to what we believe or perceive to be of some importance or significance. We are held in bondage by the very things we hold close to our breasts. We elevate or hold high esteem to things that seem so fleeting and fugacious. Only God's redemption can free us and deliver us from our puny small-minded minds and lives.

Things Happen all the Time

The widow once had everything she thought meant a whole lot to her. She had a loving husband, who was hard-working and a man of principle. He provided for her and their son and even though it was difficult at times she felt secured and content. She didn't foresee anything happening to them because they were relatively young and seemed to have the whole world to their disposal. But things happen all the time. It happened to her. The drought killed everything and she knew instinctively because of all the idolatry and wickedness in the land God had left them to fend for themselves. After all they had deserted Him and worshipped their own hand-created wooden gods, their own evil amplified.

Stress is From the Enemy

Stress is one of the major reasons for a whole myriad of problems both in our bodies and our minds. When you under stress you are more susceptible to attacks by the enemy. These are not random attacks but strategic and targeted attacks to cripple or annihilate you. Basically, you are living in fear and anxiety and ultimately separated from the Lord God Almighty, Your Savior and Redeemer and Friend. Succumbing to stress sometimes seems unavoidable and the pressure is intensified and you feel boxed in a corner with no place to go. You feel nauseated from fear and panic attacks until your mind and body surrender to the onslaught of what you magnified in your mind. As the widow prayed for deliverance, redemption and salvation yet she still cling to death. She said, after eating her last meal she would die. God advises us to guard our hearts and mind-with His Word. (Prov.4). James advises us to ask for what we need with faith with no doubting, and he warns, he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind-and it makes him a double-minded man. He will receive absolutely nothing from the Lord, (James 1.)

(See Part Three)

Wednesday, January 3, 2018


This dramatization is taken from 1 Kings 17:8-15

Part One

Many years ago there was a famine in the land and with it caused a drought. The drought extended not only to the land but in the hearts of men also. The people of the land no longer prayed to God nor did worship him. They spent most of their time worshipping other Gods. They spent more time trying to create wealth and to accumulate more possessions, things that had transitory and temporary value. They spent hours on end on self- improvement, self-effort, and self- sufficiency. It was an idolatrous time a time where "self" replaced God. They worshipped many false gods, gods that were made by man.  Ultimately, they seemed to cause their own demise. God left them to their own devices until He instructed His faithful few, and Elijah, His prophet, was one of them.


As the story unfolds Elijah had no recourse but to flee the land for his life because there was a bounty placed on his head. After declaring God's word of a drought over the whole land God told him to leave. The Lord provided for him as he went. But even though he followed the word of the Lord he too was affected by the drought. Everything was dried up and parched and emaciated. It seemed that everything was atrophied. God told him to leave and go to another village where he would be provided for.

Lonely Times

Elijah was courageous, straightforward and bold for the things of God. He loved God and was obedient and faithful. He had great faith in God and he fellowshipped with Him. It was a difficult time for him also and there were times when he was discouraged and sad of his plight but he depended on God. God helped him through all the difficult and lonely times. Just as He helps us today. So when God told him to go to another village he questioned God for a moment. He didn't feel comfortable going to a pagan's village. They didn't  practice the way of God but he had to be obedient.

The Widow

Meanwhile in Zarephath-located eight miles south of Sidon, a Phoenician city:

The woman hid her face from her neighbors with the widow's veil as she walked to the end of her driveway of her house. She felt all alone and had no one to turn to for help because she had no family left except her little boy-Uzzi. She had lost her husband who was ill for a long time from consumption and fever. It was difficult for her husband trying to provide food for his family.  He spent a great deal of time on the land farming wheat and barley until the drought came. Stress and overburdened by the drought he succumbed to a burning fever and consumption and died three long days later. Now she was a widow with a child to care for with no means other than what was left in her house.
God Cares

As she walked the long driveway she scanned for sticks to make a fire because she had no more wood to light to make a wood flame for their last meal. She had prayed so many long nights for her husband's life and now she was seeking God for her own life and that of her son. She heard that God answers prayers and had also heard of His miracles yet fear clutched severely at her heart. She looked at her circumstances and knew she had to do something anything to save her child and herself. She needed one of those miracles she heard that the prophets of God performed. As she vigilantly scanned for the sticks to make the fire she desperately prayed for God to move on her behalf. She had read that God cared for widows and for orphans in the writings. Maybe God will answer her prayer.

She kept on Praying

She was not only experiencing this gross financial and economic crisis but she had no family support and her relationship with them and her deceased husband's family was at best strained. She knew the land will go to her son but she knew he was still too young and besides the famine, there was nothing that could be done. So she kept on praying and praying never letting up. She had great faith in God even though at times fear tried to usurp its ugly head. She sang praises to God and tried her best to show her son that God will come through for them. They made a game of imagining a better life, a life of abundance and that seem to help for awhile to alleviate some of the anguish she felt.

(see Part Two)


Tearing of the Soul of a Rebellious Wo-man/Journal #9

  Journal # 9 For what if some did not believe? Will their unbelief make the faithfulness of God without effect?.. Certainly not! Indeed, le...