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Friday, May 31, 2019



Heavenly Father, I thank You that You always hear my prayer and that of my brothers and sisters in Christ. Our world is rapidly eroding and sin has become pandemic and ubiquitous. We are persecuted, threatened and ostracized when we do not align ourselves with the pervading culture, depravity, and sin in our society.

Strengthen us as we march with resoluteness to do what You have commanded us to do even if that means simply praying in silence, as we stand against the barrage of evil. Righteousness is deemed as wickedness and evil is deemed righteous in our culture. The world has turned upside down. Evil men are held up to high esteem and seek rights they ought not. While we, Your children, are stripped of our religious freedom, civil liberties, and vilification. Stand in the gap while we pray for the insanity of our world to cease.

Help us no to be discouraged, dismayed or afraid because we are more of them than the children of wrath. You promised us You will fight our battles and we are never alone. Thank You, Father, In Jesus'Name.

Sunday, May 19, 2019



Peace, according to Webster, means freedom of war, civil disturbance, a period of mutual concord between governments, state tranquility, security and harmony in personal relations. The peace I would like to address is biblical peace.

Jesus, the Prince of Peace offers us peace the world cannot give. Psalm 85:10 stated, "Right living and whole living embrace and kiss," (MSG) These things afford us peace. When we live according to God's Word and do what it says, we have a peace that transcends all understanding. When we do good it honors God and we will receive glory, honor, and peace.

This peace defies our external circumstances or adversity. It rules in our hearts and bears fruit and when we sow peace we reap righteousness. It guards our hearts and we know that Jesus is with us no matter what. When we keep our hearts and minds on Jesus our peace multiplies. And it encourages us to live at peace with all men.

A famous actor/comedian had everything this world had to offer and received accolades and awards, yet had no peace. He hung himself. He made millions laugh with his antics, satire, and parody yet inside he was screaming cries that no one could hear. He died alone with a ravaged soul. No peace. Let us not look outside of this world for peace but to the Prince of Peace.



Salvation means "deliverance, welfare, prosperity, preservation, and safety" (G4991).

 Salvation is a free gift of God to those who believe in Him and it offers the gift of eternal life. God loved us so passionately that He gave us His only Son, Jesus, to die for our sins, and that those who believe in Him will not perish. Romans 10:9 declared, when we believe that Jesus is Lord with our whole hearts and acknowledge that God raised Him from the dead, we will be saved.

John 3:3 declared, accept we are born again we will not see the kingdom of God. Second Corinthians 5:17 declared, "When someone becomes a Christian, he becomes a brand new person inside. He is not the same anymore. A new life has begun!" (TLB). The past is obliterated and no longer exist. We are now children of God and under His protection. So we simply say, "today is our Salvation":

Heavenly Father, I believe You raised Jesus from the dead and You sent Him to die for me so I can live with You eternally. I ask  Jesus to come to live in my heart and I make Him Lord of my life. I ask You to fill me with the Holy Spirit, my Comforter and guide through this new life, in Jesus' Name.

Saturday, May 18, 2019



Bad things happen to good people, but as Lynn Anderson once sang,  " I never promised you a rose garden. Along with the sunshine, there's gotta be a little rain sometime." God said, we live in a fallen world we would go through many afflictions but we should not be afraid. Because God will deliver the righteous, out of them all. Most times He takes our messes and makes a masterpiece.

There are many people suffering in silence and if we stop and listen we can hear the silent cries of those in the throes of pain. God is our Pain-reliever, our analgesic and we can trust Him with all of our hurts, disappointments, and dysfunctions. Those evil things that have happened to us as children by people who we thought we could trust to protect us and those things that have devastated our lives and stole our innocence, was demonic in nature.

We don't have to go through this life in broken pieces. God is always willing to heal us, to restore us, and to vindicate us. Cling to Him and call on Him with trust and faith. Love Him enough to put you back better than before. You will keep you as the apple of His eye and hide you under the shadow of His wings.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Our Children

The prevailing culture has labeled men who behave violently, aggressively and inappropriately against each other and toward their families as toxic masculinity. Since we live in a sinful and fallen world people who do not have a foundation built on the Rock of God will act badly, male and female. 

We live in a dichotomous world of male and female and their intrinsic, unique biological design of both. When God made us we were perfect until we sinned against Him. God has specific instructions on how we are to raise our children and how we must model the behaviors and values we are teaching them. We need to teach our children to fear the Lord, that means expressing reverence and submission to Him. And to love Him with all our hearts, souls and strength. When we do, all will go well with us even in the midst of adversity. 

We ought not to let the government, society and other cultures subvert our influences on our children. The only authority that we should adhere to is God and He will give us the wisdom and knowledge on how to bring up our sons and daughters. When we let the prevailing culture or at worst, the government tell us what our values and our principles should be then we have relinquished control over to the evil forces of this world. Our children will be lost.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Dedication to Mothers.

Happy Mother's Day to all who consider themselves mothers. The matrix of mothers come in all types and forms. We have mothers of biology, of adoption, step-mothers, women who have taken on the role of mothers, and this matrix can be expanded to most women. We appreciate them all.

 Being a mother myself was not an easy vocation. I believe when God made women He placed in us a special gift of grace into our maternal hearts, especially to those who yielded to Him. He is very compassionate and loving toward mothers and He also knew that we would need Him more so than ever when rearing our children.

So He gave us a special dispensation of preservation regarding our role as mothers in the prevailing culture we live in. That we separate ourselves from the lust of the world and teach our children of the snares, the counterfeit of godly things, and the perverted cultural norms. He has given us a mantle of kindness, loyalty, love, wisdom (most days), long-suffering, humility and discretion.

When we depend on God to orchestrate the events in our lives, the struggles, and challenges, we experience become burdenless because we have a partner for life. Nothing will be impossible. We are not just mothers, we are supernatural women of God.

HR 5 Endangers Religious Freedom - Liberty Counsel

Friday, May 10, 2019



According to Webster 1928, "religion in its most comprehensive sense, includes a belief in the being and perfections of God, in the revelation of his will to man, in man's obligation to obey his commands, in a state of reward and punishment, and in man's accountableness to God;"

True religion is built on the foundation of love for God and for others and the practical application of the tenets of God's Word into our hearts and lives. However, people have killed in the Name of God or gods, according to their religious affiliation.

Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf ), grew up as a Catholic and went to a monastery as a child and he considered himself a Christian and quoted scripture to justify the Jewish holocaust. Francisco Franco, he attended a private school that was run by a Catholic priest. He was a military dictator and responsible for the Spanish Civil War. The casualties were 500,000 and 200,000 were executed with the backing and support of the Catholic church. Idi Amin Dada, an Ugandan, was born to Muslim parents and was completely devoted to Islam. He was known as the "Butcher" and responsible for over 300,000 deaths known and murdered 100,000.

God wants a relationship with us, not useless religious practices that don't involve fellowship with Him. God wants our whole hearts.

Thursday, May 9, 2019



Atheism is not a religion or even a philosophy but its foundation is built on "unbelief, distrust, unfaithfulness and it is without divine persuasion. It is based on the opposition of the Gospel, and there is a notion of obstinacy." (G.570) It is an erroneous concept of some people who believed that there is no God and in other cultures, no gods.

It has been purported since the 18th Century and in the early feminists' movement of England and the United States. Matthew 13, stated that Jesus was not accepted in His own home town of Nazareth and despite His wisdom, revelation and miraculous powers the Jews looked upon Him, as the son of a carpenter, rather than their promised Messiah. They were offended and turned against Him and Jesus knew He could not do any mighty works because of their unbelief.

 There are many atheists who have violated human rights and have a history of genocide, mass murders in the name of communism: Mao Tse-tung murdered 65 million Chinese by torture and execution;  Joseph Stalin (USSR) murdered 20 million and Pol Pot (Cambodia) 7 million. This is the face of atheism. "Their inward part is destruction, their throats are open tombs and they have rebelled against God. " (Ps. 5)

Wednesday, May 8, 2019



After my daughter had her first surgery at three months old, she was left with a scar. A scar is "a mark left on the skin or a sore that has not healed completely and fibrous connective tissue has developed". Scars are a protective layer for the healing process to take place after we have been wounded. When Jesus was nailed to the Cross, upon His resurrection His hands and feet were scarred.

The world is embedded with scars of atrocities, violence, genocide,  inhuman regimes and scars of evil. We too have scars embedded in our souls that have not completely healed. Some scars healed quickly while others take time to heal. There are also different stages of the healing process.

Those of us who follow after Jesus understand there are "holy scars" that goes with being a disciple of serving the Lord. "Jesus understands the meaning of scars because of His own scars." Those scars are a testimony of His love for mankind, "as He took our pain, bore our suffering, pierced for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities and by His wounds were are healed.

We do not have to suffer anymore in silence, because Jesus did it all for us. Jesus, The Healer has restored and healed my scars and now I walk in the newness of life. I invite you to give Jesus your scars and walk free.

Monday, May 6, 2019



We live in a broken world and we live among broken people, and some of us are broken. There are broken places in our souls where we never visit, because of fear of what we will discover of ourselves. We have broken self-images, relationships, wayward hearts, and broken lives, addictions, delusions, rebellion and other broken places that we hide, to appear composed or put together.

Brokenness depicts a destructive force, something crashing in on us, pressing us down and smashing us to pieces. It leaves us fractured like a bird trying to fly with one wing and never making it off the ground. It reminds me of a nursery rhyme I learned in kindergarten of (Elliott's) "Humpty Dumpty", a broken egg that could not be mended; or a jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces.

But God can give us "beauty for ashes" and "joyous blessing instead of mourning". He can take our lives and refashioned it for His purposes. He can change our negative perspective of life into a Godlike perspective, as long as we give Him our brokenness. He can make a masterpiece or tapestry embroidered with an amalgamation of beautiful, bold and rich colors. He can rebuild the waste places in our lives and hearts. Let us praise before the manifestation of change and trust Him to make us whole again.

Sunday, May 5, 2019


Cinco de Mayo

I would like to acknowledge my Mexican brothers and sisters today in the celebration of Cinco de Mayo. According to history, there was a battle between France and Mexico at the town of Puebla on May 5, 1862. The first battle was led by a Mexican general, named Ignacio Zaragoza and his armed forces against France's President, Napoleon 111 and his commanding officer, Major General Charles de Lorencez.

The Mexican army was small in comparison to the French invading army. What inspired me about this story is that sometimes the enemy comes with all his reinforcements and superior weaponry to break us down and to conquer us or to take control of what is not rightfully his with a patronizing and arrogant attitude.

There were 4,000 Mexican soldiers against the French soldiers of 8,000 and despite the overwhelming number of French soldiers, Mexico won the battle. There were subsequent battles where the French won but Mexico could have beaten them again and again. Sometimes strength does not mean large numbers. Sometimes it means faith in God, uniting with our fellow comrades, a strong heart and belief in oneself that we can get through any adversity if we stand together.

Saturday, May 4, 2019



When we think about rest we think about a quiet place where we can unwind and for some, a type of destressing activity that brings joy. Rest invokes, ceasing to engage in strenuous or stressful activity; resting not from work but resting in work. The rest I am referring to is divine rest. A rest only we can experience by having an intimate relationship with God and His Son, Jesus.

The Word said, after the earth was created God rested and those of us who believe in Him and receive the promises of God by faith, receives a spirit of rest. God promised us in His Word, that He would never leave us nor forsake us and He would provide all our needs according to His riches in glory but I need to put Him first place in my life and seek His kingdom and His righteousness.

I can rest in those promises and not have to work to get God to do something for me, that He already said He would do in His Word. God's Word is His bond, His will for us who believe. Divine rest is an everflowing constant stream and an uninterrupted connection with God and His Son. We experience complete peace in our hearts when we have achieved God's rest.

Thursday, May 2, 2019


One Unsung Hero of the Jewish Holocaust

It was 1941 when the Jewish Holocaust began and ended in 1945. The systematic annihilation of roughly 17 million men, women, and children of Jewish descent was murdered. One man with hatred in the depth of his soul rose up from the pit of hell and proclaimed he was going to extinguish the Jewish Nation, through ethnic cleansing, eugenics, genocide, and extermination. This vile and despicable man believed that the Aryan (German) nation was superior. He believed that the Jews were inferior and non-human. It sounds somewhat like the hatemongers in American against blacks or any minority group that is not white.

Today I would like to recognize one man who was instrumental in saving the lives of approximately 100,000 Hungarian Jews, some directly and others indirectly. His name was Raoul Wallenberg. He was a Swedish Diplomat and a humanitarian. He provided protective passports and safe houses for the Jews. He taught us that one man can indeed make a difference and it takes courage and moral integrity to stamp down the ominous face of evil, savagery, and an unveil contempt against racism. Hatred is one way Satan control weak-minded people so let us rise above hate and let us be a conduit of love.

Tearing of the Soul of a Rebellious Wo-man/Journal #9

  Journal # 9 For what if some did not believe? Will their unbelief make the faithfulness of God without effect?.. Certainly not! Indeed, le...